Robin Charrot

Solicitor & Founding Director

I adopt a practical and proactive approach in order to achieve the best long term solution for your family. I will tell you what you need to know, not what you want to hear. I am a detail guy.

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  • Divorce
  • Marital finances
  • Cases with high levels of assets, international or offshore elements, trusts (including advising trustees) and companies
  • Prenups and postnups, including agreements with international elements and trusts
  • Cohabitation agreements
  • Surrogacy and adoption (both in the UK and international)

Experience and qualifications

  • Founded Evolve Family Law with Louise Halford in 2015
  • I am a Fellow of the International Academy of Family Lawyers the World’s leading organization of expert family lawyers.
  • Worked as a specialist family lawyer for over 25 years, including as a partner at the No.1 national law firm for family law, and as a team leader at the World’s leading offshore law firm
  • I have over 15 years’ experience in nuptial agreements and have done more than almost any other lawyer outside London. I have trained and lectured other family lawyers in this area
  • My clients include company directors, sportspeople, trustees, musicians and celebrities, based in England and overseas
  • I am a qualified Collaborative Lawyer and a member of Resolution, the main organization for family lawyers in the UK, who believe in dealing with family situations in a sensitive, constructive and cost-effective way

What I do when I'm not at work

Being as good a dad as I can be to our three young children. Other than that, I am at the gym or out walking with my wife, normally accompanied by our two ‘lockdown’ dogs.