Children Law

Welcome to our comprehensive collection of articles on Children Law. At Evolve Family Law, we understand that navigating the intricacies of children law can be a daunting task for parents and guardians. That’s why we have curated this section to provide you with expert advice, insights, and guidance to help you make informed decisions regarding the well-being and protection of your children.

Young arab girl with hijab doing exercise with her bestfriend at international school. Asian muslim school girl sitting near her classmate during lesson. Multiethnic elementary students in classroom.

How Much Will a Child Custody Case Cost?

We all know that children are priceless and that we will do anything for our kids. However when a couple decide to separate or divorce a lot of emotional energy and money can be spent on sorting out who has custody of the children or, for example, if the children should be allowed to  move abroad with one parent or how much access or contact time one parent should enjoy with the children.   Children Court Proceedings and Cost Orders Many parents think that if they get custody of their child (called a child arrangements order ) or get the type of access they asked for or if a judge stops a child moving abroad to live with one parent then as they have ‘’won ‘’ the court case, the court will make a costs order in their favour.   Cheshire children law solicitors will tell you that it is very rare for a court deciding a children case to make an order for costs. The normal costs rule in children law proceedings is that ‘’no order for costs’’ will be made. That means each parent has to pay his or her own legal fees.   The court in children court proceedings does have the power to make costs orders. However, a family judge will only consider making a costs order in cases where the conduct of a party has been reprehensible or unreasonable. That is a pretty high bar. That is why most children law solicitors advise, at the outset of court proceedings, that the parent should assume that they will not get the court to make a costs order in their favour.   Costs Orders and Unreasonable Behaviour A recent example of where the family court was persuaded to make a cost order in child abduction proceedings is the case of Re J (Children).   The background to the court case was that a mother applied for court permission to take her children to Ukraine for the purpose of a holiday. The children did not return to the UK at the end of their holiday. The father started court proceedings for the return of the children and a number of court orders were made. They were not complied with.   The judge made a cost order against the children’s mother and maternal grandfather. This was because the judge thought the mother had duped the father and the court and had never planned to return the children to the UK after the court gave her permission to take the children on holiday.   The maternal family appealed against the cost order but the appeal court decided that as court orders ordering the return of the children to the UK had been flouted it was appropriate to depart from the usual rule in children law proceedings that both parents pay their own legal fees. [related_posts] Children Court Proceedings and Costs Although the father, in the case of Re J, was successful in securing a costs order Cheshire children law solicitors still urge parents contemplating starting court proceedings to go ahead on the basis that the overwhelming likelihood is that each parent will pay their own legal costs.   That is why it is vital that parents choose their children law solicitor with care to make sure that not only is the solicitor an expert in children law but they explain fully the court options and the potential costs involve and provide a transparent price guide .    For assistance with your child custody and contact case please contact us.
Louise Halford
Nov 18, 2019   ·   3 minute read
Young arab girl with hijab doing exercise with her bestfriend at international school. Asian muslim school girl sitting near her classmate during lesson. Multiethnic elementary students in classroom.

How is Child Support Calculated?

Most separated and divorced parents find some of the child support service rules relating to the calculation of child maintenance incomprehensible. Child maintenance solicitors have to try to explain how child support is calculated without attempting to try to justify the rules or tribunal decisions.   Child maintenance and shared care Nowadays, in the vast majority of family situations, if you separate or divorce and you have dependent children, the child maintenance service (rather than the family court) will have the jurisdiction to calculate how much child support should be paid and to enforce the assessment.   In order to try to keep child maintenance simple to calculate, some years ago the child maintenance service introduced a new child support formula. How much you pay in child maintenance is calculated as a percentage of your income. That sounds simple enough to most parents but then added child support rules start to creep in , such as if there is a shared or equal parenting arrangement with the children spending the same amount of time with each parent then no child maintenance is payable by either parent .   The rights and wrongs of the shared parenting rule and child maintenance is a moot point. Most child maintenance solicitors say it can produce both fair and unfair results. Take two scenarios: Two parents equally share the care of the children and both earn roughly the same amount – no child maintenance is liable under child maintenance service rules, not because of the earnings of the mother and father are the same but because care of the children is shared; Two parents equally share the care of the children. One is a high earner and the other barely scrapes by on their salary each month. No child maintenance is liable under child maintenance service rules as the parenting is shared. The parent who is on a lower income will not be able to ask for spousal maintenance to help address the income gap in the two households if they were in a cohabiting or unmarried relationship with their ex-partner.   Child maintenance and contact It is not just shared parenting that can produce odd results with child maintenance service assessments. If a parent has overnight contact with their child, the amount they pay in child support under a child maintenance service assessment is reduced. The amount of the reduction depends on the extent of the overnight contact.   This child maintenance service rule can throw up some equally fair and unfair results, depending on whose perspective you look at child support from. Take two scenarios: A mother is the main carer of the children. The father sees the children each night but cannot have the children overnight as he works shifts and his shift patterns mean that the children would have to get up too early. Although the mother earns twice as much as the father and despite his seeing the children each day, he is liable to pay the full child maintenance service assessment with no reduction for his daily contact as he does not have the children overnight; A mother is the main carer of the children and the father has overnight contact on three nights a week. Although the mother still needs to pay her mortgage and pay for school clothes and holidays, the amount of her child support is reduced significantly because of the father’s overnight staying contact. The mother earns half the amount of the father. That scenario may seem unfair to the mother but imagine if the mother earnt double the father’s income. The father would still have to pay the same amount in child support and pay for his children’s upkeep on three nights a week. However, the father would pay nothing in child maintenance if care were shared equally. The difference a day makes in child contact can add up to hundreds of pounds a month in child maintenance. [related_posts] Child maintenance rules The child maintenance scenarios are just a few examples of why child custody solicitors and child maintenance solicitors do not try to justify the child maintenance service rules.   The best advice , if you are splitting up from a partner and have children together , is to try and reach an agreement over who gets the house , who gets the pension and how the children are financially supported in one package so the fairness of the overall financial settlement can be looked at.   For information about child maintenance and contact and financial settlements please contact our expert children law solicitors today. Appointments are available online or in Whitefield, Manchester and Cheshire.    
Robin Charrot
  ·   4 minute read
Top Tips on How to Deal With Parental Alienation

Top Tips on How to Deal With Parental Alienation

Parental alienation is one of those topics that parents do not like to talk about. Many parents feel embarrassed if they are prevented from seeing their child after a separation or divorce. Parents worry that others will judge them, assuming that they must be at fault if they cannot see their children.   Lots of people assume that if parental alienation has taken place the parent who is not having contact with the children must have done something ‘’bad’’. However, the definition of parental alienation is one parent turning the mind of a child against the other parent and the child’s negative view of the parent not being justified by any parental behaviour but because of the deliberate or unintentional psychological manipulation of the child.   Top tips on how to deal with parental alienation Sometimes it is obvious to everyone involved with a child, from family to schoolteachers and health professionals, that parental alienation is taking place. In other families, the process is more subtle but just as insidious. For parents who fear parental alienation is taking place there are some tips on how to deal with parental alienation and maintain a relationship with your child. As a specialist Cheshire children solicitor who advises parents in high conflict court cases, I recommend that you:  Take legal advice quickly If you think, your ex-partner or former husband or wife is talking inappropriately in front of your child and that is creating tension in the relationship between you and your child it is important to act quickly.  If you wait then the situation may get to the stage that the child is so alienated that they say that they do not want to have contact with you. If you are not able to speak to your former partner direct then you could try speaking to a family member or you could suggest a referral to family mediation or to family counselling. If those options do not solve the difficulties, do not delay in taking legal advice and looking at the option of applying for a child arrangements order. If you delay in taking action then if the parental alienation behaviour continues it will become harder to resolve the situation and repair the psychological damage experienced by your child. Do not blame the child It is normal to think ‘’my daughter is behaving just like her mother’’ or to say ‘’ the apple does not fall far from the tree’’. When a child is playing up or refusing to speak to or see you, it is easy to transfer your frustration with the situation onto the child. After all, why can't your child stand up for themselves and demand more contact with you or why can't they at least look cheerful when they do see you. As frustrating as it is, blaming a child or showing your exasperation with the situation is likely to make the situation worse. Do not blame the parent When you get frustrated about parental alienation, it is easy to think that the solution is to tell your side of the story. In the process, you are likely to denigrate the other parent, and that is likely to make your child more insecure and anxious, and less inclined to have contact.  Do not walk away The statistics of how many parents lose contact with their children after a separation or divorce is appalling. Many of those cases do not involve parental alienation but nonetheless it is sometimes easy to think that your child would be ‘’better off’’ without you. Most children law professionals believe that a child needs and deserves a loving relationship with both parents, even if that has to be achieved through the making of a child arrangements order. Find time for other things in your life If you experience parental alienation, it is easy to obsess on your ex-partner and their behaviour. By doing that you can play into their hands. It is important that you find time to enjoy other aspects of your life during any children court proceedings. What will the court do if it thinks that parental alienation has taken place? If you make an application for a child arrangements order the court will carefully consider whether contact is in your child’s best interests. If a child is saying that they do not want contact because of parental alienation, the court can take some proactive steps to try to help you build a relationship with your child. In extreme situations, where a judge finds that the parental alienation has caused emotional harm and that the primary carer dos not understand the damage created by their actions, the judge can make an order to change the primary carer of the child. How can Evolve Family Law help you?   Evolve Family Law is a niche family law firm with offices in Cheshire and Whitefield, Manchester. Evolve Family Law solicitors provide advice on all aspects of family law. Our solicitors at Evolve are specialists in children or family finance law.   Whatever your children or family law concern, Louise Halford and the children law team at Evolve Family Law solicitors will work with you to help you reach a solution. To contact Louise Halford call her on +44 (0) 1477 464020 or email her at
Louise Halford
Oct 14, 2019   ·   5 minute read
Are School Fees Covered By Child Support?

Are School Fees Covered By Child Support?

Many parents think that school fees are covered by child support. That is a reasonable assumption as, after all, if your child attends a private school then the school fees are part of the financial support that they need.  The types of family maintenance payments Child support and family maintenance can be rather confusing as a parent can receive any of the following:  Child support through an assessment by the child maintenance service;  Child support through a top up child support court order – this order can only be applied for if the child maintenance service has carried out a maximum child maintenance service assessment; Child support through a family court order to cover any additional costs a child with a disability may incur; Payment of school fees through a court school fees order; Maintenance paid to a parent, referred to as spousal maintenance ;  Maintenance payable to help support a child and a parent and therefore a combination of child support and spousal maintenance. Global maintenance is paid through a court order. Are school fees covered by child support? School fee payments are not included in any child support payments that are determined by the child maintenance service. If the court makes a child maintenance order the school fees will not be included in the maintenance amount.  When the child maintenance service calculates child maintenance , they use a strict mathematical formula. This formula does not consider the costs incurred in caring for the child, or school fees, but focuses on the income of the parent liable to pay child support. If a child attends a fee paying school or a parent wants to enrol a child at a private school then either the school fees are paid: On a voluntary basis by the separated parent ; or An application is made to court for a school fees order. Will a school fees order cover the full amount of the school fees?   The school fees order will not necessarily cover the full amount of the school fees. A parent could be ordered to pay all of the fees or to contribute towards the school fees. The court will decide how much a parent should pay toward school fees based on both parent’s respective incomes and reasonable outgoings. The court will look at the affordability of school fees, taking into account the child support and any spousal maintenance payments that are payable as well as the payer’s other financial commitments, such as their mortgage payments. What happens if a parent says they cannot afford to educate a child privately? Prior to a separation or divorce, a child’s parents could have decided that it would be best for their child to be educated privately. Sometimes a parent will decide that they can no longer agree to their child going to a fee-paying school when the child reaches primary or secondary school age. Alternatively, a parent may say that the child should be withdrawn from their current private school and enrolled in state education. If the parents of a child cannot agree on whether their child should go to a private school or be state educated either parent can apply to court for a specific issue order. A specific issue order will state what school the child should attend. If the objection to private education is purely based on the affordability of the school fees then an application for a school fees order may be more appropriate. [related_posts] Can the court change a school fees order?  If the court makes a school fees order either parent can apply back to the court to vary the order, for example: A parent ordered to pay all the school fees may say that he or she should only pay 50% of the fees now that the other parent has had a pay rise and is on a similar salary; A parent ordered to pay all the school fees could apply to the court to terminate or stop the school fees order because of his or her suffering a reduction in income or an increase in their reasonable outgoings making the continued payment of school fees unaffordable.  The interplay between the child maintenance service, the court and child support, spousal maintenance and school fees orders can be tricky for parents to grapple with. It is always important that the topic of private education is raised early so that parental decisions can be taken jointly, or if parents cannot reach agreement, there is time to ask the court to make a specific issue order or school fees order before the start of the school term.  For legal help applying for a specific issue order, a school fees order or on any other aspect of children law please contact us  
Louise Halford
Aug 02, 2019   ·   4 minute read
Little kid stand on big stone on black sand sea beach. Dreaming child look at sea surf, waves. Solitude concept. Retreat leisure on summer family vacation

New Regulations To Protect Children In Cross Border Disputes

We are delighted to highlight that some good news has come out of Europe. New EU regulations have been set out to help protect children and parents involved in cross border child custody and access disputes. Protecting children in cross border disputes On the 25 June, the Council of the EU adopted a revision of a regulation setting out rules on the jurisdiction, recognition and enforcement of decisions in: Matrimonial matters; Parental responsibility matters; Intra-EU child abduction The council said that one of the main objectives of the revision to the EU regulation was to improve the current protection that EU directive gives to children in cases of cross-border children disputes, for example: Custody (nowadays referred to as residence or a child arrangements order in the UK ); Access rights (nowadays referred to as contact or a child arrangements order in the UK ); Child abduction. The focus of the new EU regulations is to ensure when resolving cross border children disputes involving more than one EU country that : The focus is on what is best for the child; Judicial co-operation between EU countries is faster and more efficient to make sure the child’s well-being comes first. It is anticipated that speedier court decisions will be made through abolishing the requirement for an exequatur (an intermediate procedure required to obtain cross-border enforcement). [related_posts] People often assume that EU law will not affect them and their families but statistically there are about 140,000 international divorces per year. It is reported that there are about 1,800 cases of parental child abduction in the EU. The number of international divorce cases rises each year as people become increasingly mobile because of work and travel opportunities. With the update of the Brussels IIa Regulation, the intention is that a child abducted by one parent from an EU country and taken by the parent to another country within the EU will be returned much faster to the country where he or she is used to living in. Top Manchester children solicitors have welcomed the new EU regulation but have issued a note of caution. UK families caught up in EU cross border disputes will only get the protection and assistance of the new regulation whilst the UK remains in the EU. Subject to Brexit, the additional protection may be short lived. That will not stop child custody solicitors from fighting to reunite parents and children caught up in cross border child custody and access disputes. The top tip if you fear child abduction or need to enforce a UK custody or child arrangements order across different border jurisdictions is to take early specialist child custody legal advice on your options and to act quickly. For legal help with child custody and access or child abduction please contact us 
Robin Charrot
Jul 22, 2019   ·   3 minute read
Boy learning to ride a bicycle with his father in park. Father teaching his son cycling at park.

A Guide To Holidays Abroad With Children After Separation Or Divorce

Most of us are gearing up to the school summer holidays, closely followed by the annual holiday to the sun with the children. Whilst the majority of us will not forget the children’s swimsuits or sun screen as we are rushing off to the airport , many separated or divorced parents will forget the ‘’holiday rules’’ when setting off on holiday with their children . Therefore, Evolve Family Law have put together this short guide to holidays abroad with children after separation or divorce. A Guide To Holidays Abroad With Children After Separation Or Divorce 1. Agreement to the holiday If you are a separated parent, you may think that no one can dictate what you do with your children during the time you get to spend with them. However, unless you have a child arrangements order that says the children live with you, it is necessary to have either your former partner’s written agreement to the holiday abroad or a court order giving you permission to take the children abroad on holiday. 2. Be prepared If you know that you need your ex-partner’s agreement to take the children abroad on holiday then be prepared and plan in advance so you have time to agree school summer holiday dates and get agreement in writing to your planned trip abroad. If you cannot get your ex-partner’s agreement then it still pays to be organised. That is because an application will need to be made to court to secure an order to give you permission to take the children abroad on holiday. 3. Take the paperwork With luggage allowances on some aeroplanes it can be tempting to only pack the essentials. However, evidence of your former partner’s agreement to your taking the children abroad on holiday is one of those essentials. You do not need reams of paperwork, a court order or the agreement is sufficient. Even if you do not take the agreement document with you, then as a minimum you should take a text or message confirming the agreement to the overseas holiday. Why? You may take the view that as your ex-partner has been brilliant about agreeing to your taking the children for a week abroad you do not need to burden yourself with extra paperwork. However, even if your ex has not alerted the airport police to a possible child abduction (yes, it does happen just as in the films) an airport official may start to ask questions if children are travelling abroad with one parent, especially where parent and child have different surnames. Airport officials are not there to trap travelling dads but to spot children being trafficked into or out of the UK. Whilst we can all understand the vital work officials do it is not pleasant to be caught up, with your children in tow , in delays at the airport because you did not take the paperwork with you . If you have a different surname to your child, you can think about taking a copy birth certificate or change of name deed, just in case questions are asked. 4. Communicate You may think that your ex-partner worries unnecessarily. They may well do. However, parents do worry if their children are abroad, even if they are with their mum or dad. The parent who is waiting for the children’s return to the UK may be panicking if they have not had a text from the children or if the flights are delayed. A quick message can not only avoid a fraught reunion between children and parent but can also avoid a parent refusing to agree to your taking the children away abroad again. [related_posts] If you need legal assistance with applying to take children abroad or advice on existing childcare arrangements or court orders then please contact us
Louise Halford
Jul 10, 2019   ·   4 minute read
Diverse children enjoying playing with toys

International Surrogacy

We often read in the papers about successful surrogacy arrangements involving a surrogate mother who lives outside the UK. That is because it is difficult for intended parents to find a surrogate mother in the UK. However using a foreign-based surrogate mother through an international surrogacy arrangement brings other legal and practical challenges. International surrogacy and the law Whether or not a child who is born to a surrogate mother is linked genetically to the intended mother or father (or both), under UK law, the surrogate mother who bears the child is the legal mother. Many intended parents assume that the rules are different if they use a surrogate mother who is based in a foreign country. They are not. Even if the country where the surrogate mother nationality recognises the intended parents as the legal parents of the child, UK children and immigration law does not. That can make international surrogacy arrangements and immigration very complicated.   International surrogacy arrangements In the UK surrogacy arrangements are not enforceable as a contract between the surrogate mother and the intended parents. Different laws apply to surrogacy agreements in other countries. However, even if a surrogacy agreement is legally enforceable in the country in which the surrogate mother is a national, the intended parents cannot bring court proceedings to enforce the surrogacy agreement in the UK.   International surrogacy and immigration     If a child is born to a surrogate mother who is not a British citizen then complex surrogacy and immigration law will determine the nationality of the child. Those rules will also determine if and how the child can enter the UK. The child’s nationality and immigration status may depend on whether or not the intended father is genetically linked to the child and, furthermore, whether the surrogate mother is legally married or not. If you are contemplating international surrogacy, it is vital that you take expert legal advice from children and surrogacy law solicitors as well as advice from immigration law experts. [related_posts] International surrogacy and parental orders Under UK children and surrogacy law, a child born to a surrogate mother is the legal child of the surrogate mother. Intended parents can apply to the family court for a parental order. This order extinguishes the legal rights of the surrogate mother and makes the intended parents the child’s legal parents. The intended parents then have parental responsibility for the child. In order for a parental order to be made various conditions have to be met such as: There must be a genetic link between the child and at least one of the intended parents; and The surrogate mother must consent to the parental order no earlier than 6 weeks after the birth of the child. If you are considering an international surrogacy arrangement, it is vital that you take advice on the evidence required of the surrogate mother’s consent to the making of the parental order. Failure to secure adequate evidence of the surrogate mother’s consent could create problems with the parental order application.   International surrogacy and Evolve Family Law Evolve Family Law is a niche firm of family law solicitors.  Evolve Family Law has substantial expertise in children and surrogacy law. If you are contemplating a surrogacy arrangement, either in the UK or abroad, please contact us for advice on your options and for information on applying for a parental order.
Robin Charrot
Jul 05, 2019   ·   3 minute read
Agreeing Child Contact

Agreeing Child Contact

When a relationship breaks down parents need to reach an agreement on contact arrangements for their children. If they cannot do so, a family court judge can make a child arrangements order settling with whom the child should live and the contact arrangements. Child law advice can help parents avoid child arrangements order court proceedings by helping them reach an agreement. Agreeing child contact after separation or divorce Most of us like to think that if we were to split up from our partner we would still be able to communicate over the kids and sit down and sort out contact. However many separated or divorced couples find it hard to reach agreement on contact. They often need child law advice to help them reach a resolution and avoid court proceedings. Some parents worry about asking for children law advice, thinking that a solicitor will just recommend making an application to the family court for a child arrangements order to sort out residence and contact. The reality is that not all children law solicitors are like that. Most good children law solicitors will help a parent look at the contact options by considering contact from your ex-partners or child’s perspective, looking at the practicalities of what you both want, and advising on the sort of child arrangements order that a court might make if either you or your ex-partner were to make a court application. Shared care and equal parenting You may think that there is only one contact arrangement that will work for you and your family. Perhaps you know other separated families and the children all live with one parent with the other parent has alternate weekend contact. If your ex-partner wants to share the care of the children, and you do not know any other separated families that do that, their proposals can seem unworkable. However, parents can agree to and courts can order shared parenting of children. Shared care does not have to mean that children spend an equal amount of time with each parent. Shared care can involve overnight mid-week contact and the sharing of school holidays. Often the question of whether shared care and specific proposed contact arrangements will work for a family will hinge on practical considerations. For example, the distance of the school commute from both parent’s homes and both parent’s ability to communicate over mundane items, such as whether the school homework has been done or the washing and the handover of the school PE kit. A good children law solicitor can act as both a sounding board for shared care and contact proposals as well as advising on what a court is likely to order, after assessing your child’s needs and the family circumstances. Whilst parents always know their child’s needs best if it comes to court proceedings a judge will carry out their own assessment and make a child arrangements order. That is why good children law solicitors recommend trying to agree contact after a separation or divorce so parents remain in control, rather than the court.   Shared parenting – a campaign for law reform Campaigners are asking the government to change child custody law so there is a legal presumption that in every case where a mother and father separate or divorce, the mother and father will share the parenting of their children. Campaigners are calling for the start point when sorting out custody of children after a separation or divorce to be that children should spend roughly an equal amount of time with their mother and father. The campaign is supported by a recent YouGov survey in favour of shared parenting. Eight out of ten of the two thousand people who took part in the survey agreed that there should be a presumption of shared parenting after a separation or divorce unless the family situation meant there was a proven risk to the child of joint custody. [related_posts] Legal advice for child custody Manchester child custody solicitors say it is important that parents who want to agree contact after a separation or divorce take legal advice on child custody and contact. That is because communication between parents in the early days after a separation or divorce, can make a vast amount of difference to what contact arrangements can be agreed or the court is prepared to order. Child custody solicitors know that when it comes to either agreeing contact or asking a family judge to make a child arrangements order the presentation and preparation of your proposals is the key to success. In the future, for those parents who want to share the care of children after a separation, making the case in court for shared parenting may become easier if the government makes changes to child custody law. In the meantime, parents need a child custody solicitor who will listen to what they want and advise on the best way of agreeing contact after separation or divorce. For legal help agreeing contact or on any aspect of children law please contact us
Louise Halford
Jun 27, 2019   ·   5 minute read
Can I Move With My Children After Divorce?

Can I Move With My Children After Divorce?

If a parent had asked me the question "After my divorce, can I move to another part of the country with my child?’’ a few months ago I would have said "Yes you can", unless the family situation was complicated. As a Manchester children solicitor it is always hard to explain to a parent why different rules apply if, after a separation or divorce, you want to relocate in the UK or abroad with your child. The law and moving within the UK with a child The law on relocating with a child within the UK not always clear. Imagine the scenario of a parent who wants to move from Manchester to Cornwall. Anyone who has made the trip by car, train, coach or plane knows that it is far easier and quicker to get to some locations in France or Spain than get to Cornwall. Until recently, our children solicitors’ advice would have been that it was unlikely that a court would stop the primary or main carer of a child from moving within the UK. That advice was given whether it was a move from Cheshire to Derbyshire or further afield, for example, to Devon. The only reported family court cases where a parent, usually the mother, had been prevented from moving within the UK with a child was when there were highly exceptional circumstances. For example, the child had a disability. The internal relocation of children and the case of BB V CC The case that is proving of such interest to Manchester children solicitors is that of a 3-year-old little boy in a family court case labelled ‘’BB V CC’’. The mother and father separated and the move took the child from South East England to the North. Court proceedings were started. The court made a shared custody or child arrangements order and said the mother would need to move back to the south with the child so that shared custody with the father would work. The child’s mother appealed against the decision. The facts of most family cases are a little more complex than the bare bones. In family cases, it can be the detail that sways a judge’s decision. In every family court case, the decision has to be about what is in a child’s best interests. In the case of BB V CC, the parents had an arranged marriage. The mother came to the UK to live with her husband at the paternal family home in London. When the child was about one the parents separated. The mother relocated to the North. The father saw this as child abduction as the mother had not discussed the plan with him. The mother made serious allegations of domestic violence against the father and his parents. The court decided that the allegations of domestic violence against the paternal family were not established. The judge was concerned that parental alienation might take place if the father was not able to share the care of the little boy. The court ordered temporary contact but said the mother should relocate back to the southeast, near to where the father resided. The court said if the mother did not move back to the southeast with the child the court would think about giving the father custody of the child. The Appeal The mother appealed against the judge’s decision. She said there were no exceptional circumstances that should require her to relocate with the child within the UK. The appeal judge decided that the care of the little boy should be shared. The court said it was not possible for both parents to share the care of their son and live at other ends of the country. The judge therefore refused the mother’s appeal. [related_posts] Parental alienation and moving after divorce In the court judgment, the judge said she thought that parental alienation might take place if the mother stayed in the northeast and brought up the child with infrequent contact with his father. The judge said the child could suffer emotional harm if parental alienation took place. Internal relocation and exceptional circumstances The judge in the case of BB V CC considered the case law and decided that a children case did not have to be exceptional in order to make an internal relocation order. The judge said that the court should assess what was in the child’s best interests, and that the child’s welfare should be the court’s paramount concern. Opposing the internal relocation of children The court decision of BB V CC is likely to increase the number of parents wanting to bring court applications to try to use the court process to stop a parent and child from moving within the UK. Our children solicitors anticipate that, for parents wanting to move, it will be argued that the case of BB V CC should be looked at on its family facts. Namely the judge’s dismissal of the allegations of domestic violence and her concerns about parental alienation by the mother if the child was brought up a long distance away from the father. The law and relocating abroad with a child The law says that if a parent wants to take a child abroad to live then they need the written agreement of the other parent or a court order giving them permission to take the child abroad to live. How can Evolve Family Law Solicitors help? To get legal assistance from our children law expert Louise Halford  about the internal relocation of children in the UK , children law applications and child arrangements orders please contact us.
Louise Halford
May 24, 2019   ·   5 minute read