Finding a Northwest Divorce Solicitor Charging Fair Fees
At Evolve Family Law, founders Robin Charrot and Louise Halford recognised that if they were going to ‘break the mould’ and set...
We have a team of experienced Divorce Solicitors dedicated to helping you secure the best possible financial settlement and childcare outcome after your divorce.
Unfortunately, many marriages break down. In a lot of cases, both husband and wife are in agreement that they should get divorced but they are not sure about the divorce process or they struggle to agree on the parent the children should live with after the separation or the child contact arrangements or the financial settlement.
As part of the divorce process, it is important to obtain legal advice on the living arrangements for your children and to secure a separate Financial Court Order.
The financial Order can be made by agreement if you have reached an amicable financial settlement and without the need, in most cases, for a husband or wife to attend Court. The financial consent Order gives you both financial security and peace of mind. If you cannot reach a financial settlement by agreement the Court can be asked to make a Financial Court Order to divide your assets and determine issues, such as whether the family home should be sold or if a pension should be shared or spousal maintenance paid.
A divorce solicitor can help you with your divorce and provide you with the children law and financial settlement advice you need to help you understand your rights and options and come up with workable parenting and childcare arrangements and a financial settlement that meets your needs with the security of a Court Order.
In April 2022 no fault divorce law was introduced. This means you no longer have to say your husband or wife has committed adultery or behaved unreasonably or that you have been separated for more than two years to obtain a divorce.
Under no fault divorce law, you can apply for a divorce by providing a statement of irretrievable breakdown of the marriage or civil partnership. The divorce Court then considers the application and, if satisfied with the paperwork, the Court makes a conditional Order of divorce. To finalise the divorce proceedings, you need to apply for a final divorce Order.
A divorce application can only be challenged on jurisdictional grounds, such as the validity of the marriage or civil partnership or international divorces where there are or have been other divorce proceedings overseas.
Under no fault divorce law, you have the option of applying for your divorce jointly with your husband or wife or you can apply individually. Whether you apply jointly or individually the process is similar and the timescale to secure your final divorce Order is the same.
We can help you apply jointly for your divorce or individually. We can discuss which option is best for you.
If you need help dissolving your civil partnership please get in touch.
A no fault divorce will not require either party to attend a Court hearing. Divorce Court rules say a no fault divorce will take a minimum of six months to pass through the UK courts.
With years of experience as divorce solicitors behind us, we know just how emotional any divorce is. We are here to provide you with as much support as we can, including referring you to professional counsellors. You, your health and wellbeing will always be our top priority.
As your divorce solicitors we will explain the divorce terminology for you and talk you through each stage of the divorce process, answering any of your questions. Evolve offer a fixed fee service for divorce proceedings, which is one of many fixed fees for family law work. Please see our price list for further details.
The actual divorce and securing your final Order of divorce is legally straightforward although we understand it is an emotionally challenging time for you. We are here to help you through the divorce process.
Agreeing on the separation of assets and deciding who the children will live with and how much they see of their other parent can be contentious because there are so many factors to take into account, including both of your needs and those of your children. The outcome will be different for each family, so you will help and support from your divorce solicitor to make sure the result is fair.
Divorce can be an incredibly stressful and traumatic experience if you don’t have the best legal support and advice. As divorce solicitors we will always work to ensure that you are aware of all the options available to you, and recommend what we believe to be the best course of action for you. We are here to help.
At Evolve Family Law, founders Robin Charrot and Louise Halford recognised that if they were going to ‘break the mould’ and set...
Some people want to change their name after their divorce.
In this blog, North West family lawyer Louise Halford looks at divorce emotions and explains how an empathetic family law solic...
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Unfortunately due to the level of single question enquiries we receive, we cannot guarantee to provide written answers to individual questions posted via this enquiry form.
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